20 Sep 2024

Utility Websites

These websites offer powerful tools, useful information, or are downright convenient.

Latex Companions

  • Detexify. Search for Latex commands by handwriting symbols. The description of the command includes the package (if non-vanilla) and whether it should be used in math mode or text mode.

  • Overleaf is great for collaborative work on LaTeX documents. You can share with more than one person for free if you create a share link, rather than sharing directly.

  • Quiver and Tikzcd are sites for creating mathematical (commutative) diagrams and exporting them in LaTeX code.

  • MathPix can be used to convert images/handwriting into LaTeX code. It’s far from perfect, though, and personally, I find it easier/faster to type directly especially when the formulae are very specialized/precise.

Online Graphing

  • Geogebra is useful for graphing and creating geometric diagrams through elementary constructions. It also has a 3D graphing calculator.
  • Desmos is simpler to use for ordinary 2D graphing and adding parameters, though Geogebra has the same features and also the geometry and 3D modes.


  • MathSciNet and Google Scholar are very useful for creating BibTex code for references. I tend to find the latter more useful, as it is both free/does not require university login to access and creates better short names for the references.

  • Arxiv and its French counterpart https://cnrs.hal.science/ are exceedingly useful for finding openly available scientific articles and/or preprints.


  • When2Meet. Find overlapping scheduling times. One person must create the poll at the provided link by choosing the dates (by default, the time windows are set from 9-5, but this may also be changed.) Once made, a link to the poll is created. Here is an example poll, where I have indiciated one person to be available on MWF from 10-12AM and TR from 1-3PM. As more people fill out the poll, the schedule on the left will change; the brightest green indicates where the overlap occurs, and the more faded sections indicate less overlap. White indicates no overlap.
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